File Monitor Filter Driver SDK


Nowadays the computer's security is more and more important, you want to know who and when your files were accessed. You want to track the file I/O activities for the file audit or continue data protection application. The EaseFilter File Monitor Filter Driver SDK is a file system filter driver development kit, allow you to develop the file system monitoring software easily.

Understand The File System Filter Driver

A file system filter driver intercepts requests targeted at a file system or another file system filter driver. By intercepting the request before it reaches its intended target, the filter driver can extend or replace functionality provided by the original target of the request. File system filtering services are available through the filter manager in Windows. The Filter Manager provides a framework for developing File Systems and File System Filter Drivers without having to manage all the complexities of file I/O.

filter driver

The EaseFilter File Monitor Filter Driver SDK

EaseFilter Filter Driver SDK can monitor Windows file I/O activities in real time, track the file access and changes, monitor file and folder permission changes, audit who is writing, deleting, moving or reading files, report the user name and process name, get the user name and the ip address when the Windows file server's file is accessed by network user.

file monitor

What Can You Do With File Monitor Filter Driver SDK

You can develop the software for the following purposes with the File Monitor Filter Driver SDK:

Track the file changes

With the File Monitor SDK, you can watch for changes in files and subdirectories of the specified directory. You can create a filter rule to watch files on a local computer, a network drive, or a remote computer. You can register the file change events to get the notification when the user or process changed a file.

Track the file I/O activities in real-time

You can register the below file I/O events to get the notification when a process requested an I/O to a file. From the return events you will know who accessed the file, the I/O request information and the I/O return status.

OnPostFileCreate: fires this event after a process opened or created a file. You will know know the create option "DesiredAccess", "CreateDisposition", "CreateOptions" and "ShareAccess". You will know the create status of the operation with one of these: FILE_CREATED, FILE_OPENED, FILE_OVERWRITTEN, FILE_SUPERSEDED, FILE_EXISTS, FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.

OnPostFileRead: fires this event after a process read the file's data. You will know the read offset and length, read type: cache read, non cache read or paging read.

OnPostFileWrite: fires this event after a process wrote data to a file. You will know the write offset and length, write type: cache write, non cache write or paging write.

OnPostQueryFileInfofires this event after a process queried file's information. You will get the file's allocation size, file size, file time, file attributes and file internal Id.

OnPostSetFileInfofires this event after a process changed a file's information. You will know what file's information(file size, file attributes, file time) was set to a file.

OnPostMoveOrRenameFilefires this event after a process renamed a file. You will know the old file name and the new file name.

OnPostDeleteFilefires this event after a process deleted a file. You will know the deleted file name.

OnPostQueryDirectoryFilefires this event after a process browsed a directory. You will get the file list of the directory.

OnPostQueryFileSecurityfires this event after a process queried a file's security information. You will get the file's security information.

OnPostSetFileSecurityfires this event after a process changed a file's security information. You will know the file's security information set to the file.

OnPostFileHandleClosefires this event after a process closed a file's handle.

Monitor File Access for Specific Processes or Users

To monitor the file I/O, you can setup multiple file filter rules. In the file filter rule, you can setup what processes or users can monitor the file I/O, you can setup the file filter mask which you can only monitor the specific file's I/O, you can filter the file I/O with the file open options, you can register the file change events or register the specific file I/Os.

filter rule

file change

file monitor events

File Audit Information

In the file monitor, you can register the file changed events, or register the specific file I/O events. With the file notification event you can get the information as below:

file monitor console

How To Use The EaseFilter File Monitor Filter Driver SDK

It is simple to use the EaseFilter File Monitor Filter Driver SDK. The following example creates a filter rule to watch the directory specified at run time. The component is set to watch for all file change in the directory. If a file was changed, the file name, file change type, user name, process name will be printed to the console. The component also is set to watch the file open and file read IO, the IO was triggered, the file open and file read information will be printed to the console.

using System;
using EaseFilter.FilterControl;

namespace FileMonitorConsole
    class Program
        static FilterControl filterControl = new FilterControl();

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string lastError = string.Empty;
            string licenseKey = "**************************";
            FilterAPI.FilterType filterType = FilterAPI.FilterType.MONITOR_FILTER;
            int serviceThreads = 5;
            int connectionTimeOut = 10; //seconds

                if (!filterControl.StartFilter(filterType, serviceThreads, connectionTimeOut, licenseKey, ref lastError))
                    Console.WriteLine("Start Filter Service failed with error:" + lastError);

                //the watch path can use wildcard to be the file path filter mask.i.e. '*.txt' only monitor text file.
                string watchPath = "c:\\test\\*";

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    watchPath = args[0];

                //create a file monitor filter rule, every filter rule must have the unique watch path. 
                FileFilter fileMonitorFilter = new FileFilter(watchPath);

                //Filter the file change event to monitor all file change events.
                fileMonitorFilter.FileChangeEventFilter = FilterAPI.MonitorFileEvents.NotifyAll;

                //register the file change callback events.
                fileMonitorFilter.NotifyFileWasChanged += NotifyFileChanged;

                //Filter the monitor file IO events
                fileMonitorFilter.MonitorFileIOEventFilter = (ulong)(MonitorFileIOEvents.OnFileOpen | MonitorFileIOEvents.OnFileRead);

                fileMonitorFilter.OnFileOpen += OnFileOpen;
                fileMonitorFilter.OnFileRead += OnFileRead;


                if (!filterControl.SendConfigSettingsToFilter(ref lastError))
                    Console.WriteLine("SendConfigSettingsToFilter failed." + lastError);

                Console.WriteLine("Start filter service succeeded.");

                // Wait for the user to quit the program.
                Console.WriteLine("Press 'q' to quit the sample.");
                while (Console.Read() != 'q') ;


            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Start filter service failed with error:" + ex.Message);


        /// Fires this event when the file was changed.
        static void NotifyFileChanged(object sender, FileChangeEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("NotifyFileChanged:" + e.FileName + ",eventType:" + e.eventType.ToString() 
				+ ",userName:" + e.UserName + ",processName:" + e.ProcessName);

        /// Fires this event after the file was opened, the handle is not closed. 
        static void OnFileOpen(object sender, FileCreateEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("FileOpen:" + e.FileName + ",status:" +  e.IOStatusToString() 
				+ ",userName:" + e.UserName + ",processName:" + e.ProcessName);

        /// Fires this event after the read IO was returned.
        static void OnFileRead(object sender, FileReadEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("FileRead:" + e.FileName + ",offset:" + e.offset + ",readLength:" 
				+ e.returnReadLength + ",userName:" + e.UserName + ",processName:" + e.ProcessName);