File Objects

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File objects function as the logical interface between kernel and user-mode processes and the file data that resides on the physical disk. A file object contains both the data written to the file and the following set of kernel-maintained attributes.

The FILE_OBJECT structure is used by the system to represent a file object. To user-mode protected subsystems, a file object represents an open instance of a file, device, directory, or volume. To device and intermediate drivers, a file object usually represents a device object. To drivers in the file system stack, a file object usually represents a directory or file.

typedef struct _FILE_OBJECT 
  {	CSHORT                            Type;   
	CSHORT                            Size;    
	PDEVICE_OBJECT                    DeviceObject;    
	PVPB                              Vpb;    
	PVOID                             FsContext;    
	PVOID                             FsContext2;    
	PSECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS          SectionObjectPointer;    
	PVOID                             PrivateCacheMap;    
	NTSTATUS                          FinalStatus;    
	struct _FILE_OBJECT  			 *RelatedFileObject;    
	BOOLEAN                           LockOperation;    
	BOOLEAN                           DeletePending;    
	BOOLEAN                           ReadAccess;    
	BOOLEAN                           WriteAccess;    
	BOOLEAN                           DeleteAccess;    
	BOOLEAN                           SharedRead;    
	BOOLEAN                           SharedWrite;    
	BOOLEAN                           SharedDelete;    
	ULONG                             Flags;    
	UNICODE_STRING                    FileName;    
	LARGE_INTEGER                     CurrentByteOffset;    
	__volatile ULONG                  Waiters;    
	__volatile ULONG                  Busy;    
	PVOID                             LastLock;    
	KEVENT                            Lock;    
	KEVENT                            Event;    
	__volatile PIO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT CompletionContext;    
	KSPIN_LOCK                        IrpListLock;    
	LIST_ENTRY                        IrpList;    
	__volatile PVOID                  FileObjectExtension;