This section contains references, in alphabetical order, for the MRxXxx routines implemented by a kernel-mode network mini-redirector driver.
In this section
Topic Description
The MRxAreFilesAliased routine is called by RDBSS to request the network mini-redirector to determine if two FCB structures represent the same file.
The MRxCleanupFobx routine is called by RDBSS to request the network mini-redirector to close a file system object extension. RDBSS issues this call in response to receiving an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP request on a file object.
The MRxCloseSrvOpen routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector close an SRV_OPEN structure.
The MRxCollapseOpen routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector collapse an open file system request onto an existing SRV_OPEN structure.
TheMRxCompleteBufferingStateChangeRequest routine is called by RDBSS to notify the network mini-redirector that a buffering state change request has been completed.
TheMRxComputeNewBufferingState routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector compute a new buffering state change.
TheMRxCreate routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector create a file system object.
The MRxCreateSrvCall routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector create an SRV_CALL structure and establish connection with a server.
The MRxCreateVNetRoot routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector create a V_NET_ROOT structure and, in some cases, a NET_ROOT structure.
The MRxDeallocateForFcb routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector deallocate an FCB structure. This call is in response to a request to close a file system object.
The MRxDeallocateForFobx routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector deallocate an FOBX structure. This call is in response to a request to close a file system object.
The MRxDevFcbXXXControlFile routine is called by RDBSS to pass a device FCB control request (an IOCTL or FSCTL request) to the network mini-redirector.
The MRxExtendForCache routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector extend a file when the file is being cached by the cache manager.
The MRxExtendForNonCache routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector extend a file when the file is not being cached by the cache manager.
The MRxExtractNetRootName routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector extract the name of the NET_ROOT structure from a given pathname.
The MRxFinalizeNetRoot routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector finalize a NET_ROOT structure.
The MRxFinalizeSrvCall routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector finalize an SRV_CALL structure.
The MRxFinalizeVNetRoot routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector finalize a V_NET_ROOT structure.
The MRxFlush routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector write the contents of a file system object to storage. RDBSS issues this call in response to receiving an IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS request.
The MRxForceClosed routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector force a close. This routine is called when the condition of the SRV_OPEN structure is not good or the SRV_OPEN structure is marked as closed.
TheMRxGetConnectionId routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector return a connection ID, which can be used for handling multiple sessions.
The MRxIsLockRealizable routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector indicate whether a specific byte-range lock is supported on this NET_ROOT structure.
TheMRxIsValidDirectory routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector check for the existence of a remote directory.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_EXCLUSIVELOCK] routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector open an exclusive lock on a file object.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_FSCTL] routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector issue file system control request on remote file.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_IOCTL] routine is called by RDBSS to issue an I/O system control request to the network mini-redirector.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY] routine is called by RDBSS to issue a request to the network mini-redirector for a directory change notification operation.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_READ] routine is called by RDBSS to issue a read request to the network mini-redirector.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_SHAREDLOCK] routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network redirector open a shared lock on a file object.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK] routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector remove a single lock on a file object.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK_MULTIPLE] routine is called by RDBSS to request that the network mini-redirector remove multiple locks held on a file object.
The MRxLowIOSubmit[LOWIO_OP_WRITE] routine is called by RDBSS to issue a write request to the network mini-redirector.
The MRxPreparseName routine is called by RDBSS to give a network mini-redirector the opportunity to preparse a name.
The MRxQueryDirectory routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query information on a file directory.
The MRxQueryEaInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query extended attribute information on a file system object.
TheMRxQueryFileInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query file information on a file system object.
The MRxQueryQuotaInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query quota information on a file system object.
TheMRxQuerySdInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query security descriptor information on a file system object.
The MRxQueryVolumeInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector query volume information.
TheMRxSetEaInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set extended attribute information on a file system object.
The MRxSetFileInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set file information on a file system object.
The MRxSetFileInfoAtCleanup routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set file information on a file system object at cleanup.
TheMRxSetQuotaInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set quota information on a file system object.
TheMRxSetSdInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set security descriptor information on a file system object.
TheMRxSetVolumeInfo routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector set volume information.
The MRxShouldTryToCollapseThisOpen routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector indicate if RDBSS should try and collapse an open request onto an existing file system object.
The MRxSrvCallWinnerNotify routine is called by RDBSS to notify a network mini-redirector that it was chosen when multiple redirectors could fulfill the request.
TheMRxStart routine is called by RDBSS to start the network mini-redirector.
TheMRxStop routine is called by RDBSS to stop the network mini-redirector.
The MRxTruncate routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector truncate the contents of a file system object.
The MRxZeroExtend routine is called by RDBSS to request that a network mini-redirector truncate the contents of a file system object.