Download EaseTag Tiered Storage Filter Driver SDK Setup File Download EaseTag Tiered Storage Filter Driver SDK Zip File
A reparse point is an object in a file system with attributes that activate extended functionality. A tag in the reparse point indicates the location from which external information should be taken and specifies an application associated with that information.
A single file can contain more than one reparse point, with each point involving a different application. When a system opens a file and encounters a reparse point, the system finds the filter associated with the application indicated in the tag. The data in the reparse point can then be used to transparently execute whatever task is specified, through the application that created the reparse point.
Now, let's suppose that the user decides to access a file that has been tagged with a reparse point. When the file system goes to open the file, it notices the reparse point associated with the file. It then "reparses" the original request for the file, by finding the appropriate filter associated with the application that stored the reparse point, and passing the reparse point data to that filter. The filter can then use the data in the reparse point to do whatever is appropriate based on the reparse point functionality intended by the application. It is a very flexible system; how exactly the reparse point works is left up to the application. The really nice thing about reparse points is that they operate transparently to the user. You simply access the reparse point and the instructions are carried out automatically. This creates seamless extensions to file system functionality.
In addition to allowing reparse points to implement many types of custom capabilities, Microsoft itself uses them to implement several features within Windows 2000 itself, including the following:
Symbolic Links: Symbolic linking allows you to create a pointer from one area of the directory structure to the actual location of the file elsewhere in the structure. NTFS does not implement "true" symbolic file linking as exists within UNIX file systems, but the functionality can be simulated by using reparse points. In essence, a symbolic link is a reparse point that redirect access from one file to another file.
Junction Points: A junction point is similar to a symbolic link, but instead of redirecting access from one file to another, it redirects access from one directory to another.
Volume Mount Points: A volume mount point is like a symbolic link or junction point, but taken to the next level: it is used to create dynamic access to entire disk volumes. For example, you can create volume mount points for removable hard disks or other storage media, or even use this feature to allow several different partitions (C:, D:, E: and so on) to appear to the user as if they were all in one logical volume. Windows 2000 can use this capability to break the traditional limit of 26 drive letters--using volume mount points, you can access volumes without the need for a drive letter for the volume. This is useful for large CD-ROM servers that would otherwise require a separate letter for each disk (and would also require the user to keep track of all these drive letters!)
Remote Storage Server (RSS): This feature of Windows 2000 uses a set of rules to determine when to move infrequently used files on an NTFS volume to archive storage (such as CD-RW or tape). When it moves a file to "offline" or "near offline" storage in this manner, RSS leaves behind reparse points that contain the instructions necessary to access the archived files, if they are needed in the future.
These are just a few examples of how reparse points can be used. As you can see, the functionality is very flexible. Reparse points are a nice addition to NTFS: they allow the capabilities of the file system to be enhanced without requiring any changes to the file system itself.
A filter driver that processes reparse points must be aware of the risk that an application program might create invalid reparse points. To ensure the strictest security, a driver that handles reparse points must ensure that the data contents of the reparse point itself are verifiable, whether through a secure checksum, encrypted contents, or some other mechanism that ensures invalid reparse points cannot be created by unprivileged applications. For example, a filter driver might require that its reparse points be encrypted using a password shared between an application (or the local security authority, for example), and the driver, in order to ensure that the data contents of the reparse point are valid.
Otherwise, it is possible that a malicious application could create reparse points that have invalid reparse point information. In this case, the file system filter driver must be prepared to handle invalid reparse point data, including self-referential data (data that creates reference loops that might cause some sort of overflow, for example), data overflow issues, and invalid data contents.