Download EaseFilter File Encryption On The Go Setup File Download EaseFilter File Encryption On The Go Zip File
The file encryption on the go provides file protection at rest, automatically encrypt your file when it was shared, moved or copied from one system or user to another. File encryption on the go can be applied on a file-by-file basis, or applied to all files within a protected folder to specific processes. Protect your files against the unauthorized access, the data was encrypted when the unauthorized processes read your files from the protected folder. The EaseFilter File Encryption On The Go SDK was implemented with Windows transparent file system filter driver in Windows kernel level. File encryption or decryption is transparent to user or application with transparent file encryption engine.
Transparent file encryption performs real-time I/O encryption and decryption of the files in any block data with 16 bytes. The encryption uses a 256 bits symmetric key to encrypt or decrypt the data with AES encryption algorithm. Auto file encryption protects data "at rest", meaning the transparent data and files encryption. It provides the ability to comply with policies which can be applied by users, processes and file type. This allows only authorized users and processes to access the encrypted files, unauthorized users and processes can’t access the encrypted files.
The Auto FileCrypt Tool was implemented with C#, it demonstrates how to encrypt the file on the go, setup the protected folders for the file encryption on the go feature, configure the processes which can encrypt the file on the go. The files in the protected folder are not encrypted in the local disk, the data will be encrypted only when the unauthorized processes read the files from the protected folder, it won't change the files in the local disk, the files always are clear in local disk.
Here is the example to setup the protected folder c:\protectedFolder, and configure the process "notepad.exe" as unauthorized process. You can put your sensitive files to folder c:\protectedFolder, you have the option to setup the folder protection level, if you enable the transparent encryption for the protected folder, so when the new file was added to the protected folder, the file will be encrypted automatically, if you enable the file access control option for the protected folder, you can prevent the files from being accessed, modified, renamed or deleted by the specific processes or users.
Here is the unauthorized process "notepad.exe" to open the file from folder c:\protectedFolder, the cipher text is return to notepad as below :
Organizations have struggled with secure file sharing for years, data breaches are reported almost every day where sensitive information has been stolen, mishandled, or used for fraudulent purposes. Organizations need a new approach to keep their most sensitive assets secure throughout the global enterprise.
AssureFiles Secure File Sharing combines AES 256 bit encryption with digital rights management to give businesses persistent control over all stages of its life, enables employees to share files with anyone, via any method, without compromising business data or risking liability from data loss.
AssureFiles Secure File Sharing solution helps organizations prevent data breaches caused by internal and external threats by enhancing access control to critical business applications and data. AssureFiles integrates DRM policy with leading enterprise and cloud applications to provide access control, data protection, and activity monitoring and reporting.
By leveraging the digital rights management, encryption keys and access policies are stored in the remote central server, so your data is never at risk of being unlocked, stolen or misused, either by internal threats or external attacks.Your files remain control wherever you share them. Wherever your data is stored, on the cloud, on your laptop, on a USB drive, on a backup disk or on someone else’s computer, only you, and those you authorize, can view the contents of those files.
With the centralized policy management, organizations can centrally control the creation, enforcement, and management of security policies to protect documents and files across all applications and systems. This ensures that the most up to date policies are applied and enforced consistently across the enterprise. You can grant or revoke the access control to any user at any time even the files were shared.
With the complete file access live tracking report, you can monitor who, when and where files are being accessed with the user and process information, computer identities and geo-location, also know all the unauthorized user information when unauthorized attempts are made and you can proactively block data leakage.
AssureFiles SecureAgent combines with a file system componment, to support the file level encryption and decryption on-the-fly in the file system level, integrated with the access control componment, enable your sensitive data always is encrypted.
With AssureFiles SecureAgent, you don't need to make any changes to your applications, infrastructure, or business practices, you can gain this secure solution right away.
AssureFiles secure file sharing can support most of the applications and files, such as Microsoft office files, PDF, 2&3D CAD files, images and other files.
To use the shared files, you need to start the SecureAgent service first, and you need to set the folder to store the shared files. After the service started, you can copy the share file to the drop folder, then you can open the shared file if you are authorized to open the share files.
To develop file systems and file system filter drivers, use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK),which is provided by Microsoft. Even with the resources available in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) developing file systems is certainly a challenge. To simplify your development and to provide you with a robust and well-tested file system filter driver that works with all versions and patch releases of the Windows operating systems supported by Microsoft, EaseFilter offers the file system filter driver SDK which provides a complete, modular environment for building active file system filters in your application. With the EaseFilter file system filter driver SDK, you can develop your own filter driver application with c++/c# or other languages.
EaseFilter File System Mini Filter Driver SDK is a mature commercial product. It provides a complete modular framework to the developers even without driver development experience to build the filter driver within a day. The SDK includes the modules from code design to the product installation, it includes all the basic features you need to build a filter driver.
EaseFilter is a company who specializes in windows file system filter driver development. It can provide architect, implement and test file system filter drivers for a wide range of functionalities. It also can offer several levels of assistance to meet your specific needs: Provide consulting service for your existing file system filter driver; Customize the SDK to meet your requirement; Create your own filter driver with SDK source code.